Saturday, April 23, 2005

Dear Diary,

i am very sleepy. my eyes are tired and droopy. i really should be sleeping, but the glowing monitor light draws me.

i feel like i shouldn't sleep because i haven't finished thinking about things that i want answers to, or at least that's my theory. not that i have trouble sleeping. believe me, when my head hits the pillow, i'm good as dead. but i think it's more like my mind doesn't want to quit yet. oh, silly mind, you're so silly. just look at you and that strange dance you do.

also, i wonder what i would write when i'm really tired and dazed. i will look at this in the morning and cringe, as often happens after reading my own posts.

blogging is really strange. why don't people just say things to each other? i guess the truth is, it's just hard to make conversation flow into a lot of areas that bloggers decide to publish about. it still seems ridiculous to me, but i can't help doing it on occasion.

maybe it's to reach a wider audience. again, very strange. why the need to have more people read your thoughts? unless, of course, it's of a creative nature. but if it's just babble like this piece of work, why do it? let's see, why am i doing it now? hell, i don't know. it's because i'm tired. and when tired, i become a robot of sorts. i simply respond to stimuli. bright light...must look at it...more...more...fingers...keep...moving moving

sorry brain, you're just gonna have to rest for the night. maybe by morning, you won't remember what you're thinking about. damn memory.

damn, i'm thirsty.


Blogger Matthew Lie - Paehlke said...

ha ha. the bright light comment was so true.

i for one know i sleep much much better on days when I have had a good bout of writing, especially if this happened before dinner and I have had time to relax afterwards.

Sunday, May 01, 2005 7:56:00 p.m.  
Blogger Matthew Lie - Paehlke said...

what the hell?!? I made a comment and if I click on comments, I can see it, but the site lists zero comments. your commentsomometer is totally screwed up.


Monday, May 02, 2005 1:30:00 p.m.  

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