Tuesday, March 01, 2005

a sick day in the life of...

I had this thought about blogs and how they keep you company when you're all alone; when you want to talk to someone but for some reason decide that it's best not to.

So, here I am, off again. I woke up before 6:30 a.m. I always do this now, and I hate it. I WANT SLEEP, DAMN IT!! And no, I am not sleeping in because I am now a responsible adult, and I know that if I sleep in, I will mess up my sleep schedule, and when I finally go back to work, I will be dead tired from not having slept the night before.

So, lets see...I've decided that at various points throughout the day, I will post something. A documentation of my life as a sick person, in answer to the question, "If you had a day off, what would you do?"

Well, first of all, if it weren't snowing like this, and if I weren't sick, and if it were warm, I would sit on our porch with a book and headphones, and not actually read but look at the sharp outlines of everything against the azure of a bright sky.

But what I have here is a snowdrifty day, which is nonetheless pretty, viewed from the spaces between the shadowy gray lace pattern relief of my curtains.

To whom is this post directed, to me, really, I'm interested in seeing what I really do in a day, what thoughts go through my head. I will reread it all, of course, and hopefully it will be somewhat amusing. I'm ok with it being eyelid-heavy-with-sleep boring too, though.

8:06 am - breakfast consists of a slice of whole wheat toast with strawberry jam. [ooh, coughed up phlegm! good job! gotta get rid of this.]


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