Saturday, September 17, 2005

oh blogging, how i have missed you

Who would've thought I would get the urge to blog? To write and make public certain thoughts...certain choice thoughts, which may not end up being very interesting because I really have to think about what I put on the net.

A couple of things I thought of writing about...

a) I looked out my window a few days ago, saw some guy tying (that spelling looks so weird to me today) his shoes and mused about how vulnerable people tying shoelaces look. Seriously. It's like you can give them the slightest push and they would topple over. I think I have had that vague morsel of a thought throughout my life, but that day it finally emerged as word-thought.

b) What the hell I've been up to for over a month. Wow. Just checked the date of my last entry and it was in July. Yeesh!!! But also, I haven't had a desk here. I now do, thanks to the reluctant kindness of Mathieu Lie Pail Key, who had to be bribed with food and an avocado shake before agreeing to assemble said desk.

I will not write here yet about my observations during my month of inhuman commitment to work. It would take too long.

c) circles - more on that another time

d) Alban - who rides an elephant in a castle. Well, maybe just a few words. Il est venu de la France et il m'a apporté des croustilles avec un sourire. Que belle chose à regarder. Cela nous a amusées hier soir!

Crap! I've got errands to do and my apartment to set up. Gotta go. I may just see you soon.


Blogger Matthew Lie - Paehlke said...

qui est Alban? Et aussi, ou et mon "shake d'avocade?"

Sunday, October 02, 2005 3:05:00 p.m.  
Blogger me said...

Alban is this guy who, with a lovely smile, rides an elephant from which he serves beer and food.

As for your shake, I actually looked for avocados in Kensington but I didn't find any good ones. Upon your next visit, with sufficient warning, I will make some other kind of a shake, unless I do find good avocados.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005 10:37:00 p.m.  

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