saw the pride parade from the top floor of the burger king on yonge and maitland. at some point, i started singing this song:
When I'm stable long enough
I start to look around for love
See a sweet in floral prints
My mind begins the arrangements
But when I start to feel that pull
Turns out I just pulled myself
She would never go with me
Were I the last girl on earth
I'm dumb, she's a lesbian
I thought I had found the one
We were good as married in my mind
But married in my mind's no good
Pink triangle on her sleeve
Let me know the truth
Let me know the truth
Might have smoked a few in my time
But never thought it was a crime
Knew the day would surely come
When I'd chill and settle down
When I think I've found a good old-fashioned girl
Then she put me in my place
If everyone's a little queer
Can't she be a little straight?
I'm dumb, she's a lesbian
I thought I had found the one
We were good as married in my mind
But married in my mind's no good
Pink triangle on her sleeve
Let me know the truth
Let me know the truth
Let me know the truth
I'm dumb, she's a lesbian
I thought I had found the one
We were good as married in my mind
But married in my mind's no good
Pink triangle on her sleeve
Let me know the truth
Let me know the truth
I'm dumb, she's a lesbian
I thought I had found the one
We were good as married in my mind
But married in my mind's no good
Pink triangle on her sleeve
Let me know the truth
Let me know the truth
Let me know the truth
Let me know the truth
the parade wasn't a big show of nudity, as i had heard it was in previous years. there were times when i got a really warm feeling about how happy people can be when they're not really worried about what other people are thinking. i also saw many people who were just so comfortable with their bodies that they didn't care what was hanging here and there. i know that not everyone appreciates this, but i thought it was rather refreshing. they were just having such a good time. i had the feeling, though, that the people beside us were laughing at the weirdest people at the parade. of course, i couldn't really understand what they were saying, but i am a laugh expert, so i know these things. ok, so i don't know for sure. just a feeling i had.
now this is strange. for some reason it looks to me like the spacing between the lines in this blog has decreased.
i can't believe i have taken work home. i'm going to give my first academic orientation session tomorrow and it feels like preparing for a class presentation.
as usual, i procrastinated so i'm still up.
Derek Chronicles was here
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